Celebrate Small Steps

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When you see a post in the Facebook group with this logo, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

We all love celebrating the big news but sometimes you need to celebrate the small steps that lead to big moments. At the end of the month, Sub It Club wants you to take into account all the things you’ve done so you realize how much you are doing on this journey to publication. Everybody can participate, illustrators and writers. From itty bitty steps like buying stamps for a new postcard mailing to bigger steps like creating an illustration to sending your postcard files to the printer. Or maybe you bought a new notebook to jot down story ideas or sent a manuscript to a critique partner. Everything counts. Filling the well, reading up in your genre, honing your craft… acknowledge it! Celebrate it!

As promised in the Sub It Club’s “Small Steps to Success BINGO” blog post earlier this month, from now on we will “Celebrate Small Steps” at the end of each month in a thread in our private Facebook group. If you aren’t a member yet, go here and to join us.


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