Contest Roundup Calendar 2021

Did you know that we keep a calendar of writing and illustration contests here at Sub It Club? Pitch days and contests can be a fun way to change up your submission process, find opportunities that may not be available otherwise, or obtain helpful feedback.

Of course, not all contests are created equal. We have a few simple rules about the contests we add to the calendar. First of all the contest needs to be free. One of our founding principals at Sub It Club is that you, the artist, do not need to pay money to submit your work, and that includes contests. Secondly, they need to offer a good opportunity be it a critique from an industry professional, a mentorship, a chance to pitch agents or editors, or something that will help you further your writing or illustration as you work toward the goal of publication.

The Contest Roundup Calendar is added to throughout the year, whenever we find a contest that has been scheduled. I recently went through and added all of the contests I could find for 2021! The calendar has quite a few listings through June, with more staggered throughout the year. Here are a few Twitter pitch days that are new to the calendar to take note of:

#LGBTNPit – This pitch day is open to queer, trans, and nonbinary authors and author/illustrators. Pitch your completed, unpublished manuscript via Twitter using the #LGBTNPit hashtag. Trans and nonbinary authors may also use the #TNB hashtag if desired. See for more details. Happening Thursday, April 15th from 8am and 8pm EST. 

#APIPit – Open to unagented Asian and/or Pacific Islander creators. Manuscripts, Illustration, and Graphic Novels for all ages groups can be pitched via Twitter using the #APIPit hashtag along with an age category hashtag. See for more details, including hashtag suggestions. This pitch day is scheduled on Tuesday, May 4th during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

#PitchDis A pitch event open to unagented, disabled writers of both fiction and nonfiction. Illustrators may add an image to their pitch tweet. See the website for more details. Happening Tuesday, June 22nd from 8am to 8pm EDT.

There are many more great contest opportunities on the Roundup, but I don’t want to spoil all of the searching fun for you. Go check it out for yourself on our Contest Roundup Calendar page.

P.S. I tried my best, but there may be some great contests that I missed. If you know of one email us at so we can add it to the calendar and share the love!

Thoughts? Questions? Comments? We want to hear them!

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