Connecting With the Writing Community

This post is brought to you by
the one and only, Lisha Cauthen.

Today let’s talk about Connecting With the Writing Community.

In a way, I’m preaching to the choir—because all you guys are members of the Sub It Club, right? RIGHT? That means you go on Facebook and learn things and teach things and comment and make friends and find critique partners. In other words, you engage.

Why should you build your writer tribe?

  • Because as nifty-cool as the Interwebs is, you can’t possibly ferret out every nugget of information available concerning new agents, current manuscript calls, editor quirks, contests, etc., on your own. Pooled resources make us stronger.
  • Because Googling your query questions often brings conflicting advice. Someone who’s already “been there” can help you sort it out.
  • Because you might come across some information that is entirely spiffy, but you can’t use it. Maybe someone else can.
  • Because sometimes you need to know the inside scoop that no one would dare actually put out into the Etherwebs.
  • Because everybody needs some cheerleaders.
  • Because friends.

You are a pre-published writer, baby. Connect.

I have met this guy and he is really cool.
I have met this guy and he is really cool.

6 thoughts on “Connecting With the Writing Community

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  1. As a prepublished author, I think this is great advice. I am Will you Be My Friend mode and I love to share links, tips, and congratulations with pre and published authors. Thank you!


  2. I love this post, Lisha! And I love connecting! I have learned so much from the writing community over the last decade and only hope that at least now and then I can pass on what I have learned to others. It’s a great feeling!


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