The Monthly Goalpost for December: Recycling is good for you!

Does the first of December send a chill down your spine? And not because of dipping temperatures? Does the end of the year send you into a hurry-up- finish-up-why-did-I-take-all-this-on frenzy? Everyone has lots to do, holidays to celebrate, school vacations, end-of-year work duties…

December building up steam
The month of December whipping itself into a frenzy!

Let’s decide to enjoy this month and all it has to offer without too much frenzitude. Let’s do that by finding ways to make everything easier like… recycling. Use last year’s decorations, wrapping paper, holiday menu, school break program and maybe even a few gifts (Aunt Bertha’s hand-knitted shawl?). And as an example I’m going to recycle a few past Monthly Goalposts that may fit in your own particular frame of mind right now. So if you’re new to Sub It Club or have missed a Goalpost here and there, get ready to click some oldies but goodies.

The Monthly Goalpost

This was the first! For Sub It Club’s newer members, this might be a nice place to start thinking about your goals for the coming year.

The Monthly Goalpost for April (featuring The March Dip)

Yes! I know—it’s December but this Goalpost is all about flagging motivation and renewing it. It’s not just for March anymore!

The Monthly Goalpost for May: Brought to you by the letters O, P, Q, R, and S

There’s nothing about Sesame Street here—but there is a discussion of procrastination, overcoming obstacles and crit partners. Might be just what December needs!

The Monthly Goalpost for November: Time

Who can resist kitchen timers that make you sit down and do your work?

The Monthly Goalpost for August: Something for Nothing

Nurturing the artist in you might be the perfect thing to do during this crazy end-of-the-year period.

The Monthly Goalpost for May

This was the month I revealed that I have a problem with dust bunnies. Confession is good for the soul. And we see how easy it is to create obstacles.

The Monthly Goalpost for April

This is about cake. Well, sort of. Read about overwhelming goals broken down into manageable bites.

The Monthly Goalpost for March: Thick-skinned or resilient?

This is an old favorite of mine. Some strategies for building inner core strength and resilience.

The Monthly Goalpost for June: The Don’t List

The Don’t List asks you to focus on a few things other than your TO DO list.

The Goalpost for September: Ask yourself a few questions

Now is a perfect time to evaluate your goals and set new ones.

The Monthly Goalpost for December: The Short Deadline or “Don’t Give Up on December”

Ah! Finally! December. It’s still a crazy busy month. If you’d like to make the most of things, read about settings short deadlines.

Now you have a nice overview of Goalposts to help you this December and into the New Year. I hope you have a happy, balanced, productive December.

What have you got planned for December? Comment here or if you’re part of the private Sub It Club Facebook group, tells us how you’re doing over there. If you’d like to join our Facebook group, send a request.





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